Resolution: Fixed
4.11.0, 4.14.0, 4.13.1, 4.13.0, 4.13.4
Severity 2 - Major
Issue Summary
When a new language is added to the page Project Settings > Language Support, and if some translation is added to the help center announcement banner subject/message and the project specific announcement banner subject/message, it will become impossible for the project admin to edit the announcement banner of the help center page.
The bug was replicated on JSD 4.11.0, JSD 4.13.0 and JSD 4.14.0.
Steps to replicate
- Create a new JSD project on JSD 8.11.0 (or any higher version)
- Go to the main help center URL <JIRA_BASE_URL>/servicedesk/customer/portals
- Click on Customize, add something to Announcement subject and Announcement message, and save the changes
- Note that the Announcement subject and Announcement message fields are properly updated even after a refresh of the page
- Click on the JSD project key under Popular to access the project portal page located at <JIRA_BASE_URL>/servicedesk/customer/portal/1
- Click on Edit Announcement, add something to Announcement subject and Announcement message, and save the changes
- Note that the Announcement subject and Announcement message fields are properly updated even after a refresh of the page
- Now, go to the JSD project configuration and go to Project Settings > Language Support
- Add a new language, for example, Nederlands
- Click on the Nederlands language, and add a translation to everything, especially all the fields in the Announcements section
- Go back to the Language Support Dashboard page, and notice that the status is up to date.
- Turn on the option Available to customers for the Nederlands language
- Go to the main help center URL <JIRA_BASE_URL>/servicedesk/customer/portals, and take note of the current announcement subject/message
- Click on Customize, modify both the to Announcement subject and Announcement message, and save the changes
- After you save the result, you'll see that the changes are reflected
- Refresh the main help center page
- Notice that the Announcement subject and Announcement message fields are reverted back to what they were
Here is a video showing exactly how to replicate the bug:
Screen Recording 8.14.0.mov
Update announcement subject/message as per Customer portal announcement failed to be updated
- is related to
JSDSERVER-7063 Announcement Banner on Customer portal after translated will remain even after removing the content from Announcement Banner
- Closed
- is resolved by
JSMDC-9599 You do not have permission to view this issue
- mentioned in
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