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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-6894

'Organization added' notification is not sent out when Request is shared to Organization during creation


      Issue Summary

      When creating a Request in the Customer Portal, it is possible to set the Organization to share the Request. Once the request is created, the 'Organization added' notification is not sent out. This prevents the Organization members from being notified of the Request shared and they wouldn't be able to opt-in for further notifications (unless followed via Customer Portal)

      Checking the Customer Notification Audit Log, we can see that the rule is not executed. The rule would be executed if the Organization field is edited in existing Requests.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. In a Service Desk Project, create an Organization and add a Customer user in it
      2. Create a new Request in the Customer Portal and share it to the Organization during creation
      3. After the Request is created, the 'Organization added' notification would not be sent out
      4. Checking the 'Organization added' Audit Log, it was not executed for the created Request despite being shared to the Organization

      Expected Results

      The 'Organization added' notification would be sent out to the Organization members

      Actual Results

      The 'Organization added' notification is not sent out to the Organization members


      Edit the 'Organization' members to revoke and share back the Request

            agoldthorpe Aidan Goldthorpe
            imazuki Irfan Mazli Mazuki (Inactive)
            2 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue
