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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-6701

The SLA condition "Comment:For Customers" does not trigger if Reporter is a Customer that does not have direct 'Browse Project' permission


      Issue Summary

      If the Reporter is a Customer, the SLA condition "Comment:For Customers" would not trigger when a Public Comment is made.
      This Bug does not affect 4.6.0
      This Bug is occurring despite the Permission Scheme is set to grant 'Browse Project' permission to 'Service desk customer - portal access'.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a new Service Desk Project
      2. Configure SLA as follows:
        • Start: Issue Created
        • Stop: Comment: For Customers
      3. Create a new Issue
      4. Ensure the Reporter is a Customer user
      5. Login as an agent user and add a Public Comment to the ticket

      Expected Results

      The SLA would stop as the SLA Condition 'Comment: For Customers' is met when Public Comment is added

      Actual Results

      The SLA does not stop even when the SLA Condition 'Comment: For Customers' is met when Public Comment is added


      Create a Group/Project Role (e.g.: Service Desk Customers), add all the Customer users into the Group/Project Role and grant the 'Browse Project' permission to the Group/Project Role.

            agoldthorpe Aidan Goldthorpe
            imazuki Irfan Mazli Mazuki (Inactive)
            7 Vote for this issue
            18 Start watching this issue
