Resolution: Fixed
When a customer portal is being loaded up, JSD always try to load the banner image for a customised portal. This happens to all portals regardless they are customised or not.
If there is no customisation, the following message is logged
/servicedesk/customer/portal/3 [c.a.j.p.assets.impl.AssetStorageManagerImpl] Can't find asset: com.atlassian.servicedesk/banner.json: Path does not exist
Although this can be safely ignored, it indicates that JSD doesn't even check for any customisations before loading anything.
- Include a check before loading any customizations
- Change the message to something less dramatic
Configure logging package com.atlassian.jira.plugins.assets.impl with WARN level to make sure the message doesn't get logged.
For permanent logging change, update the log4j.properties file:
- https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver0713/logging-and-profiling-964983962.html
- Add:
log4j.logger.com.atlassian.jira.plugins.assets.impl = WARN, filelog log4j.additivity.com.atlassian.plugin.classloader = false
- Restart