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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-6402

Not able to transition in Customer Portal when user is both the Reporter and Request Participant but do not have Modify Reporter permission



      When a user is both the Reporter and Request Participant but do not have Modify Reporter permission granted, the user will not able to make any transitions in the Customer Portal.

      Steps to replicate:

      1. Assign a user as the Reporter and Request Participant of a request
      2. Revoke the Modify Reporter permission from the user
      3. As the user, try to make any transition from the Customer Portal
      4. Notice that even after clicking the transition button, everything will still remain the same
      5. Despite the lack of error log entries in the log files, the HAR file will throw an error Response 400:
        errors: [{errorMessage: "You do not have permission to modify the issue reporter.", field: "reporter"}]
        reasonCode: "400"
        reasonKey: "transition failed validation"

      Note: This bug is not to be confused with the one reported in JSDSERVER-5162. Although looks rather similar, this bug only occurs if the affected user was not granted the Modify Reporter permission.

      Expected Results

      Able to transition the request from Customer Portal as there are not Conditions/Validators.

      Actual Results

      Not able to transition the request from Customer Portal despite the transition not having any Conditions/Validators.


      • Grant the affected user the Modify Reporter permission
      • Change the Reporter to a different user

            kkanojia Kunal Kanojia
            imazuki Irfan Mazli Mazuki (Inactive)
            2 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
