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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-3434

Project Administrators can adjust permission schemes without having the permission





      When alterations to a permission scheme of a Service Desk projects have been made, the project administration page can display an error message as described on the following page:

      In order to make adjustments to permission schemes, a user is required to be a JIRA administrator. Project Administrators do not have the permission to make alterations to an existing permission scheme, or assign another permission scheme to a project.

      The error message as describe on the page linked above also shows up from Project Administrators, and they can choose to update the the scheme accordingly. This is not in line with the permissions they have on the environment

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a user on a JIRA Service Desk instance and add it to the Service Desk license
      2. Create a Service Desk project and add the user from step 1 as Agent to it
      3. Grant the Agent the "Administer Projects" permission
      4. As a JIRA Administrator, remove the "Service Desk Customer - Portal Access" for one or several permissions to trigger the error message
      5. Log in as the Agent, and navigate to the Project Administration page
      6. The error message will display, click the button to fix the error

      Expected Results

      Since the Agent does not have the appropriate permissions to make alterations to permission schemes, or assign other permission schemes to a project, the option to fix the error should not be shown at all.

      Actual Results

      The Agent is able to fix the errors, which follows the exact steps as described under the "What does the Fix permissions button do" section of the page linked above


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              mnassette MJ (Inactive)
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