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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-3306

Include breachedDate in completed SLA cycles result in JIRA issue REST API



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Low Engagement
    • None
    • API and Integrations
    • None
    • 0
    • We collect Jira Service Desk feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.


      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Service Desk Server. Using JIRA Service Desk Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      I am Lauma from eazyBI development team. Our common customer is asking if it would be possible to reflect in eazyBI report which was the Assignee of issue at the moment of SLA breach.

      We get the SLA status information from JIRA Issue JSON result (JIRA_BASE_URL/rest/api/latest/issue/KEY-NN), the SLA custom field attributes

      "customfield_10104": {
      "completeCycles": [
      "breached": true,
      "goalTime": 14400000,
      "elapsedTime": 46551416356,
      "calendarName": "24/7 Calendar (Default)",
      "startDate": 1390225933243,
      "stopDate": 1436777349599
      "breached": false,
      "goalTime": 14400000,
      "elapsedTime": 195348,
      "calendarName": "24/7 Calendar (Default)",
      "startDate": 1453104436042,
      "stopDate": 1453104631390
      "ongoingCycle": {
      "goalId": 4,
      "startDate": 1453211159567,
      "elapsedTime": 9961,
      "breached": false,
      "paused": false,
      "remainingTime": 14390039,
      "breachedDate": 1453225559567

      Currently we cannot detect the Assignee at breached moment and import it to eazyBI as the breachedDate is displayed only in an ongoing cycle

      "ongoingCycle": {
      "goalId": 4,
      "startDate": 1453211159567,
      "elapsedTime": 9961,
      "breached": false,
      "paused": false,
      "remainingTime": 14390039,
      "breachedDate": 1453225559567

      This is the date of when the ongoing cycle will be breached.

      But in completed cycles there is no breachedDate

      "completeCycles": [
      "breached": true,
      "goalTime": 14400000,
      "elapsedTime": 46551416356,
      "calendarName": "24/7 Calendar (Default)",
      "startDate": 1390225933243,
      "stopDate": 1436777349599

      So for completed cycles we cannot find when the cycle was breached and detect who was the assignee of issue at that moment. As there can be various calendars used, the calculation from startDate, goalTime and elapsedTime might not be entirely correct.

      Let me know if this would be possible to implement for future.


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              lauma.cirule Lauma Cīrule
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