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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Service Management Data Center'
  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-15525

Unable to create Ticket from Portal when the Assets customfield is set as hidden

      Issue Summary

      Unable to create Ticket from Customer Portal when Assets customfield value depends on the another Assets customfield which is made hidden

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an Object Schema which has 2 object Type: 'Country' and 'Employee'
      2. Add an attribute to 'Employee' Object Type with type as Object referecing 'Country' Object Type
      3. Create objects in 'Country' object Type: 'India', 'China', 'Russia'
      4. Create objects in 'Empoyee' object type: Ritika (India), Sheela (India), Sudhir (China), Sreejith (China)
      5. Create 2 customfield: 'Country' and 'User'
      6. County has following customfield configuration
        Object Schema : Company
        Filter Scope (AQL) : objectType = Country
        Filter Issue Scope (AQL) : objectType = Country
      1. User has following customfield configuration
        Object Schema: Company
        Filter Scope (AQL): objectType = Employee
        Filter Issue Scope (AQL): "Country" IN (${customfield_10301})

        where customfield_10301 is Country customfield

      • Add both customfield to Screen of 'Request Issue' Issue Type
      • Add both customfield to one of the Request Type
      • Make 'Country' customfield as hidden. While making it hidden it would ask for the default value: Set the value as 'India'
      • Create a Ticket from customer Portal

      Expected Results

      The ticket will be created after filling the details in customer Portal

      Actual Results

      User gets an error: 'Please provide a valid value for field 'User''


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

      Versions Tested

      Please confirm all versions that have been tested for this issue, and indicate whether the tested version is affected or not affected, below: 

      Testing Requirements Version Affected Version
      Customers Reported Version 5.16.1 YES
      Most Recent Bug-Fix Release 10.0.0 YES
      Previous Major Release    
      Most Recent LTS 5.12.12 YES
      Previous Supported LTS    
      Other Versions..    
      (Add rows as needed)    

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Service Management Data Center'
            1. Jira Service Management Data Center
            2. JSDSERVER-15525

            Unable to create Ticket from Portal when the Assets customfield is set as hidden

                Issue Summary

                Unable to create Ticket from Customer Portal when Assets customfield value depends on the another Assets customfield which is made hidden

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Create an Object Schema which has 2 object Type: 'Country' and 'Employee'
                2. Add an attribute to 'Employee' Object Type with type as Object referecing 'Country' Object Type
                3. Create objects in 'Country' object Type: 'India', 'China', 'Russia'
                4. Create objects in 'Empoyee' object type: Ritika (India), Sheela (India), Sudhir (China), Sreejith (China)
                5. Create 2 customfield: 'Country' and 'User'
                6. County has following customfield configuration
                  Object Schema : Company
                  Filter Scope (AQL) : objectType = Country
                  Filter Issue Scope (AQL) : objectType = Country
                1. User has following customfield configuration
                  Object Schema: Company
                  Filter Scope (AQL): objectType = Employee
                  Filter Issue Scope (AQL): "Country" IN (${customfield_10301})

                  where customfield_10301 is Country customfield

                • Add both customfield to Screen of 'Request Issue' Issue Type
                • Add both customfield to one of the Request Type
                • Make 'Country' customfield as hidden. While making it hidden it would ask for the default value: Set the value as 'India'
                • Create a Ticket from customer Portal

                Expected Results

                The ticket will be created after filling the details in customer Portal

                Actual Results

                User gets an error: 'Please provide a valid value for field 'User''


                Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

                Versions Tested

                Please confirm all versions that have been tested for this issue, and indicate whether the tested version is affected or not affected, below: 

                Testing Requirements Version Affected Version
                Customers Reported Version 5.16.1 YES
                Most Recent Bug-Fix Release 10.0.0 YES
                Previous Major Release    
                Most Recent LTS 5.12.12 YES
                Previous Supported LTS    
                Other Versions..    
                (Add rows as needed)    

                        jxu2@atlassian.com Sam Xu
                        072fabfd41a3 Shreekesh Mohan
                        5 Vote for this issue
                        7 Start watching this issue


                              jxu2@atlassian.com Sam Xu
                              072fabfd41a3 Shreekesh Mohan
                              Affected customers:
                              5 This affects my team
                              7 Start watching this issue
