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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Service Management Data Center'
  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-15284

Editing a text attribute in the object screen clears the first referenced object attribute


      When editing an object text attribute in the object page, the first referenced attribute is cleared.


      Jira 9.12.7
      Assets 10.12.1

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Create object1 object type
      • Create object1.1 object type
      • Create reference object1 object type
        • Create ro1.1
      • Create reference object2 object type
        • Create ro2.1
      • Add an object type attribute in object1 referencing reference object1
        • select ro1.1
      • Add an object type attribute in object1 referencing reference object2
        • select ro1.2
      • Add an object type attribute in object1 type text
      • Edit the object, click on the text attribute, and press "Enter"

      Expected Results

      Previously made selections should not be cleared

      Actual Results

      On the edit screen, we observe the referenced objects selected:

      When pressing "Enter" in the text attribute the selection from the first referenced object is cleared:


      Edit the object from the object tree page


        1. image-2024-05-06-19-51-52-793.png
          61 kB
        2. screenshot-1.png
          21 kB
        3. screenshot-2.png
          21 kB

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Service Management Data Center'
            1. Jira Service Management Data Center
            2. JSDSERVER-15284

            Editing a text attribute in the object screen clears the first referenced object attribute


                When editing an object text attribute in the object page, the first referenced attribute is cleared.


                Jira 9.12.7
                Assets 10.12.1

                Steps to Reproduce

                • Create object1 object type
                • Create object1.1 object type
                • Create reference object1 object type
                  • Create ro1.1
                • Create reference object2 object type
                  • Create ro2.1
                • Add an object type attribute in object1 referencing reference object1
                  • select ro1.1
                • Add an object type attribute in object1 referencing reference object2
                  • select ro1.2
                • Add an object type attribute in object1 type text
                • Edit the object, click on the text attribute, and press "Enter"

                Expected Results

                Previously made selections should not be cleared

                Actual Results

                On the edit screen, we observe the referenced objects selected:

                When pressing "Enter" in the text attribute the selection from the first referenced object is cleared:


                Edit the object from the object tree page


                  1. image-2024-05-06-19-51-52-793.png
                    61 kB
                  2. screenshot-1.png
                    21 kB
                  3. screenshot-2.png
                    21 kB

                        344ed8f58f8f Alec Bignell
                        09affdc70f32 Sergio Soto Lopez
                        0 Vote for this issue
                        4 Start watching this issue


                              344ed8f58f8f Alec Bignell
                              09affdc70f32 Sergio Soto Lopez
                              Affected customers:
                              0 This affects my team
                              4 Start watching this issue
