Resolution: Fixed
5.4.14, 5.4.15, 5.12.15
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
An error is thrown in the UI when trying to unlink a Confluence space from the Knowledge base configuration of a JSM project (Jira Service Management)
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a Knowledge Base Space in a Confluence Data Center application
- Link the Confluence application with the Jira application
- Go to the KB configuration page of a JSM project via Project Settings > Knowledge base
- Link a Confluence space
- Go back to Confluence, and delete the Space
- Go back to the Project Settings > Knowledge base page of the JSM project in Jira
- Try to unlink the Confluence space
Expected Results
The space should be unlinked without any error.
Actual Results
For JSM versions below 5.11.0
The Space can't be unlinked, and the error below is thrown in the UI on the Top Right corner:
Something went wrong with the knowledge base plugin. We're not sure what, but we suspect plugin pixies.
For JSM versions from 5.11.0 and below 5.15.2
The Space can't be unlinked, and the error below is thrown in the UI:
We couldn't unlink the Knowledge Base space Refresh the page and try again. If this keeps happening, contact your Jira admin.
Note that the same error will also be thrown when trying to select a different Confluence application and click on the switch button:
For any JSM version
On the application logs we can see the error.
2024-02-14 09:34:52,188-0600 http-nio-8080-exec-407 WARN cwirtz 574x850138x2 1gqi6t3 x.x.x.x,x.x.x.x /rest/servicedesk/1/pages/settings/kb/SPACE [c.a.s.i.api.applink.BaseAppLinkResponseHandler] There was an error communicating with Confluence: Space not found.
For all releases: Make sure that Confluence is not on ready only mode, it could cause the same behavior as described in the document.
The invalid KB links can be removed from Jira's database. The following example removes Confluence KB links with the space key of ds:
delete from "AO_54307E_CONFLUENCEKBENABLED" where "CONFLUENCE_KBID" in ( select "ID" from "AO_54307E_CONFLUENCEKB" where "SPACE_KEY" = 'ds'); delete from "AO_54307E_CONFLUENCEKBLABELS" where "CONFLUENCE_KBID" in ( select "ID" from "AO_54307E_CONFLUENCEKB" where "SPACE_KEY" = 'ds'); delete from "AO_54307E_CONFLUENCEKB" where "SPACE_KEY" = 'ds';