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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-12199

Access Project Settings results in PermissionInsightException


      Issue Summary

      User receives the following error message when accessing Project settings if no object schema exists and user is not part of the jira-systems-administrators group:

      Sorry, you do not have permission to perform this action.. PermissionInsightException: User XXXXXXX didn't have correct permission Sorry, you do not have permission to perform this action.

      This only affects project administrators. On pages that have nothing related to Assets.

      REST Call: <jira_base_url>/rest/insight/1.0/global/config Returns -> 403 causing the error

      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a project in a JSM system with Assets bundled
      2. Create a normal user
      3. Assign new user as Project Lead and Project administrator
      4. Login as this user
      5. Access the assigned Project's Project Settings page

      Expected Results

      No error if Assets is not in use

      Actual Results

      PermissionInsightException exception reporting user does not have permission


      Create a blank Assets Schema should be enough to bypass the problem, but if that is not your case, proceed to the following steps:

      1- As a Jira Admin, click on ‘Assets’ and create am Empty Object Schema;
      2- While on Assets >> Object Schemas, click on Configure >> Roles for that particular Object Schema you just created
      3- Add the desired user or group to one of the roles

            3774f29b04e6 Anton Sidliar (Inactive)
            4bbe53f6c66f Louis (Inactive)
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