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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-11699

Object overview modal with tree mode graph : Expand/collapse state of the element is missing or incorrect.



    Issue Summary

    The expand/collapse state and functionality for the object name in the Object overview modal are inaccessible to the keyboard only and screen reader users.

    Tested URL


    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Launch the URL
    2. In the main content area, click on the object link, just beside the "Affected Server:" area
    3. Then the "Object Overview" modal will display.
    4. Click on the "Show graph" icon button.
    5. Click on the "Tree" button. Then the graph will display in the tree view.
    6. Try to interact with the Expand & Collapse link in the modal on the right side under 
      Referenced objects with keeping the screen reader on and with mouse click.


    Actual Results

    The functionality associated with the "Object name" link below the section "Referenced objects" in the object overview modal is unclear for screen reader users. Visually, on activating the link, the content gets expanded/collapsed dynamically below on the page. Even though the dynamically updating content is easier to understand for sighted users, the updating content is not intuitive for blind users to understand.

    Additionally, it has missing keyboard support and the screen reader focus does not receive the link.

    Expected Results

    Apply the following changes:
    • Code the "Object name" links using <a> element and include “href” attribute in their source code. 
    • Modify the scripts to ensure that the links are accessible with a keyboard as well as a mouse.
    • Set the “aria-expanded” attribute to “false” for the link when the link is in the collapsed state. Ensure that the value of the “aria-expanded” attribute changes on user interaction via scripting.


    Currently, there is no known workaround for this behaviour. A workaround will be added here when available.

    Bug Ref: 745155

    Bulldog Ref: JSMDC-12554


      Issue Links



            aee694511cd1 Olena Lymar
            12b69dcabe29 Matthew Brennan
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue



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