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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-6307

Separate access control for the portal vs email submission



    • 33
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      For instance, it would be extremely helpful if we could configure a project to have a "Closed" portal so that only certain users can see it but have an "Open" email channel so that anyone can email a request. 

      Presently, both must be Closed or both must be Open. If Closed, then emails from new users at our partners who we have not added to the project will not get processed. If Open, then anyone can create an account and see all of the content on the portal. This is a particular problem for us because we have many customers that we have factored into separate JSD projects and we require that a customer only be able to see their own portal. So we face the choice of either potentially missing important requests or of exposing customer names and portals/portal content to the public or to our other customers.

      With this suggestion, we could keep the portals closed so that each user at a customer only sees their own (once we have granted them the permission), but still allow for anyone to email the address for their project (even if we are not yet familiar with the sending user).


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              d0d1ba410583 Sushant Koshy
              f609d42fbdd4 John Marsh
              33 Vote for this issue
              36 Start watching this issue

