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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-5717

Pasting screenshots with the same name will result in 'duplicated' images shown on the request



      Pasting screenshots with the same name in the Customer Portal will not display the images correctly.

      Steps to reproduce the problem

      1. Create a new request via Customer Portal.
      2. Take a screenshot anywhere and paste it to the request by using shortcut key Ctrl + V, example name of the screenshot would be image.png.
      3. Take another screenshot and paste it again. The name of the second screenshot might also be image.png.
      4. Upload the screenshots.

      Expected result

      Two different screenshots will be uploaded and displayed

      Actual result

      Two screenshots are uploaded, however, they look exactly the same in the request. However, the screenshots are uploaded correctly to JIRA and displayed correctly in the JIRA issue


      Use tools to take screenshots which will give different names to the image. For example, the print screen tool of a MacBook machine will use the timestamp when the image is taken as the name of the file instead of a generic name. 

      Also, the problem doesn't happen if the user drag and drop the attachment or use the attach icon.

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            fcouto Coutinho (Inactive)
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