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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-4167

Issue approver doesn't get any other notification than the one to approve the request, even if they are also Watcher and/or Assignee in JIRA Service Desk Cloud


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Tracked Elsewhere
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Approvals

      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Service Desk Cloud. Using JIRA Service Desk Server? See the corresponding bug report.


      The approver doesn't get any other notification than the one to approve the ticket even if they are also set as the request assignee and are watching the request as well.

      Also after removing that user as the approver, still no notifications are sent to them.



      Reproduced on JIRA Cloud version: 1000.245.1


      Steps to Reproduce

      Case 1:

      1. In JIRA Service Desk create a service request that needs approval (e.g. purchase request)
      2. Set the same user as approver, assignee and watcher
      3. Add couple of comments to the request (internal and public)

      Case 2:

      1. In JIRA Service Desk create a service request that needs approval (e.g. purchase request)
      2. Set the same user as assignee and watcher
      3. Add couple of comments and see that you get the notifications for those comments
      4. Add the same user as the approver for the request


      Expected Results

      In both cases the expected result is that the user get notifications for all the comments and status changes


      Actual Results

      Case 1:

      • The user only receives the notification that the request needs approval

      Case 2:

      • The user receives the notifications up until step #3. Then, after getting the approval notification they stop getting any other notification



      If you approve the request, then removing the user as the approver does not fix the issue since the user is still set as the one that approved the request.



      None at the moment.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dbonotto Dario B
            1 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
