Resolution: Timed out
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
If Insight get's inundated with requests from automation whilst simultaneously running an import the automation rules can fail to get the information back in time and thus fail.
Steps to Reproduce
- Set up an automation rule that is triggered by objects that are created/updated or deleted from a specific schema. Add in some object based components to this rule that will call back to insight. Like lookup objects or create object or edit object.
- Set up an Import inside of insight into the same schema the rule is triggered on. Make sure to import a sufficient amount of objects. Author tried with 5000.
Expected Results
Insight can handle this load and the rules wont fail despite being run at the same time that the import is running.
Actual Results
The below exception is thrown in the xxxxxxx.log file:
{ [-] @tag: kube caller: sidecar/sidecar.go:281 computationgroup_id: 123xyz customer: shared env: prod error: context canceled host_type: k8s hostname: ip-10-16-0-115.ec2.internal k: { [+] } level: error message: backend service failed to respond region: us-east-1 request_agent: Automation for Jira AC app/1.0 request_host: 123xyz.internal.shared-prod.us-east-1.kitt-inf.net request_id: 70a59a341d382bfa request_method: GET request_proto: HTTP/1.1 request_referer: request_remote: request_url: /rest/insight/1.0/object/6888 timestamp: 2021-12-16T21:19:12.822Z version: 2021-12-10T22:46:10.362214Z-7e4bebc4959db79d46178f5f6dfcdd595d72703a workspace_id: 123xyz }
Turn off the rule during an import or reduce the import size potentially splitting into multiple files.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for previously raising this bug and bringing it to our attention.
Within our company roadmap and work capacity, we try to address or review each bug request but admit that not each one will be resolved. To continue the culture of being honest and open, we are closing this bug to focus on our upcoming roadmap for all Jira Service Management Cloud users.
As we continue to roll out features we do look at requests made by our users and if you feel like this bug is still impacting your team please let us know via raising a ticket at https://support.atlassian.com.
Thank you again for providing valuable feedback to our team!
Jira Service Management Cloud team