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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-9593

issue is updated but no email is sent


      A project has a notification scheme that has the default entry for "Issue updated" but all notifications for "Issue Resolved" are removed.

      If the issue is resolved, and at the same time the issue is assigned to somebody else, no email is sent.

      This is certainly incorrect because the result is different from what would happen if both actions are performed in two separate steps (either resolve first, then assign; or assign first, then resolve). The assignee would receive his email in this case, but not if everything is done at once.

      JIRA should try each notification rule for all affected actions, not just one rule.

      This is a critical problem because the customer relies on email for his internal workflow, so important tasks such as regression tests never start because the assignee does not get the notification email. Customer is quite upset.

      This problem also exist in earlier JIRA releases.

            justin@atlassian.com Justin Koke
            c4ee57acac52 schirmacher
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