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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-9501

System default "Assigned to Me" filter is misleading


      The system "Assigned to Me" filter is a continuing source of grief for us because it includes, as part of its query terms, a stipulation that the resolution be "unresolved". As folks innocently customize their dashboards or use the default dashboard, they see that filter and use it thinking it will work as the name literally implies. There then follows a period of unpleasantness when issues that are assigned to them with resolutions set to other than "Unresolved" are not seen. Angry words are exchanged. Innocent bystanders are slaughtered. Jira admins are lynched

      In our workflow (and I would assume many other workflows), issue resolution is set by the development team before an issue is handed of to either the build guy for inclusion in a build or the QA team for validation so this filter, as shipped, isn't particularly helpful.

      Please make one of the three following changes (in decreasing order of preference):

      1. Modify the filter criteria to reflect the name - remove the stipulation about resolution
      2. Modify the filter name to reflect the criteria - "Unresolved Issues Assigned to Me"
      3. Remove the filter completely - It's dangerous (in my mind anyway)

        1. Search Results.txt
          6 kB
          Neal Applebaum

            Unassigned Unassigned
            86eb28b0bf91 Ted Pietrzak
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
