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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-73675

Redundant vertical scrollbar appears with banner and filters


      Issue Summary

      When creating multiple filters (optional -> have a banner in your Jira), the ticket view screen will have a redundant vertical scrollbar on the right. This has been tested on 8.13.8, 8.20.1 and 8.22.1 so far but I think it happens on all versions. It happens on all browsers and operating systems.


      Steps to Reproduce

      Jira Software 8.22.1, screen resolution 2560 x 1440 (2K), either Chrome or Firefox, default admin user,

      Created a sample project with data, then add lots of additional filters (we added 28 additional of the same filters over and over to trigger this), you should hopefully see a new scroll bar on the far right, (I did not see 2 here)


      Then add "content" to the visible ticket, e.g. comments, at this point I could see the extra scroll bar, in total, we now have 2 scroll bars on the right-hand side.

      hiding the banner entirely hides the problem temporarily, by setting the announcement banner to the following:

      <style type="text/css">
      .aui-message {
        display: none;

      Adding any more filters brings the "problem" back, i.e. I added one more (29) and I once again have 2 scroll bars

      This confirms that the banner is not a requirement in order to replicate

      Expected Results

      The redundant scroll bar on the far right should not appear

      Actual Results

      The redundant scroll bar on the far right appears


      Save this in the announcement Banner field, it will force the vertical scroll bar on the right to be hidden

      .page-type-navigator {
          overflow-y: hidden;


        1. screenshot-2.png
          388 kB
          Thomas Grahn
        2. screenshot-3.png
          388 kB
          Thomas Grahn
        3. screenshot-3-1.png
          388 kB
          Thomas Grahn

            Unassigned Unassigned
            1e8559fc3c14 Thomas Grahn
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