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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-73456

Releases Page : Tooltip content inaccessible for Keyboard only users


    Issue Description

    On "Releases" page the keyboard support is missing for tooltip content which becomes available when user hover’s mouse on "Progress bar".


    1. Navigate to "Releases" link present in left navigation menu and activate it.
    2. Navigate to "Progress bar" with Tab key and observe keyboard support is missing.

    Actual Behaviour

    Keyboard support is missing for the tooltip content which becomes available when user hovers mouse on "Progress bar". This made it difficult for users with mobility and visual impairments to access the tooltip content. Additionally, the tooltip coded inappropriately.

    Expected Behaviour

    The tooltip content should be accessible for Keyboard users. The tooltip should be coded appropriately with role="tooltip". For more information on tooltip accessibility please refer this link ‚Üí https://pauljadam.com/demos/tooltip.html


    Screenshot 2022-02-15 at 11.04.15 AM.png


    AXQA Ref:AXQA-179

          a955dc6cda19 Oleksandr Stoliar
          12b69dcabe29 Matthew Brennan
          2 Vote for this issue
          5 Start watching this issue
