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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-71884

unable to create linked issue from an issue which is linked to an epic when lacking edit issue permission in the Epic project

      Issue Summary

      unable to create linked issue from an issue which is linked to an epic when lacking edit issue permission in the Epic project

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Create 2 projects A and B. Create an Epic in project A
      • Create a Story in project B and link it to the Epic
      • Go back to project A and revoke the edit issue permission to the user
      • Notice that at that point it is not possible anymore to create a new Story in project B and link it to the Epic in project A and the following error is thrown out into logs:
      Error creating issue: 
      Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: You do not have permission to edit the following issues: TEST-1, TEST2-1.

      This is expected by default behaviour even if the error message on the UI is not very clear as per the following bug:

      Unable to link Epic without Edit Issue permissions:

      Also the confusion come from the fact that even without having the Edit issue permission in project A, user is able to see those Epics in the dropdown list in the Epic Link.

      For this situation we have an open feature request:

      Epic Link field allows selection of unlinkable Epics without warning/error

      • Now open again the issue view of the Story previously created still linked to the Epic with the user that is at this point lacking the edit issue permission in project A.
        go to More>Create Linked Issue and observe that it is not possible to create the linked issue and an error is thrown out into logs:
        /secure/QuickCreateLinkedIssue.jspa [c.a.j.bc.issue.DefaultIssueService] Error creating issue: 
        com.atlassian.jira.exception.CreateException: You do not have permission to edit issue TEST-1.

        and on the UI the following:

      In summary it is not possible create the linked issue because the Story is linked to an epic that the user cannot edit (because of lack of edit issue permission)

      Note 1: That Project B must be either a Business (Jira Core) or Jira Service Desk project to have the create linked issue feature.

      Note 2: Notice that this is not reproducible in 7.13.0 LTS since that version was affected by another bug When create new issue, Epic Link not suggest all matched epics and was not possible at all to link an Epic from another project.

      Note 3: Issue is not reproducible in 8.5.0 LTS. It is possible to link the Epic without having edit issue permission in the Epic project (which is not the expected behaviour) and it is possible to create then the linked issue.

      Expected Results

      It should be possible to create the linked issue from the Story disregarding the fact that the user lack edit issue permission on the Epic linked to the story.

      From JSWSERVER-20770: The issue is not created because the user does not have the appropriate permission. See JSWSERVER-13986 for a related suggestion.

      Jira Software considers linking issues to epics as editing the scope of work of an epic, which is why it uses the "Edit issue" permission to check if a user is able to link/unlink issues to an epic.

      Actual Results

      It is not possible to create a linked issue


      • Grant again the user the edit issue permission in the project where the linked epic come from
      • Create a new issue and use the More> link issue functionality to link it to the Story which is linked to the Epic where the user lack permission

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
            1. Jira Data Center
            2. JRASERVER-71884

            unable to create linked issue from an issue which is linked to an epic when lacking edit issue permission in the Epic project

                Issue Summary

                unable to create linked issue from an issue which is linked to an epic when lacking edit issue permission in the Epic project

                Steps to Reproduce

                • Create 2 projects A and B. Create an Epic in project A
                • Create a Story in project B and link it to the Epic
                • Go back to project A and revoke the edit issue permission to the user
                • Notice that at that point it is not possible anymore to create a new Story in project B and link it to the Epic in project A and the following error is thrown out into logs:
                Error creating issue: 
                Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: You do not have permission to edit the following issues: TEST-1, TEST2-1.

                This is expected by default behaviour even if the error message on the UI is not very clear as per the following bug:

                Unable to link Epic without Edit Issue permissions:

                Also the confusion come from the fact that even without having the Edit issue permission in project A, user is able to see those Epics in the dropdown list in the Epic Link.

                For this situation we have an open feature request:

                Epic Link field allows selection of unlinkable Epics without warning/error

                • Now open again the issue view of the Story previously created still linked to the Epic with the user that is at this point lacking the edit issue permission in project A.
                  go to More>Create Linked Issue and observe that it is not possible to create the linked issue and an error is thrown out into logs:
                  /secure/QuickCreateLinkedIssue.jspa [c.a.j.bc.issue.DefaultIssueService] Error creating issue: 
                  com.atlassian.jira.exception.CreateException: You do not have permission to edit issue TEST-1.

                  and on the UI the following:

                In summary it is not possible create the linked issue because the Story is linked to an epic that the user cannot edit (because of lack of edit issue permission)

                Note 1: That Project B must be either a Business (Jira Core) or Jira Service Desk project to have the create linked issue feature.

                Note 2: Notice that this is not reproducible in 7.13.0 LTS since that version was affected by another bug When create new issue, Epic Link not suggest all matched epics and was not possible at all to link an Epic from another project.

                Note 3: Issue is not reproducible in 8.5.0 LTS. It is possible to link the Epic without having edit issue permission in the Epic project (which is not the expected behaviour) and it is possible to create then the linked issue.

                Expected Results

                It should be possible to create the linked issue from the Story disregarding the fact that the user lack edit issue permission on the Epic linked to the story.

                From JSWSERVER-20770: The issue is not created because the user does not have the appropriate permission. See JSWSERVER-13986 for a related suggestion.

                Jira Software considers linking issues to epics as editing the scope of work of an epic, which is why it uses the "Edit issue" permission to check if a user is able to link/unlink issues to an epic.

                Actual Results

                It is not possible to create a linked issue


                • Grant again the user the edit issue permission in the project where the linked epic come from
                • Create a new issue and use the More> link issue functionality to link it to the Story which is linked to the Epic where the user lack permission

                        drauf Daniel Rauf
                        tmarchionni@atlassian.com Tiziana Marchionni
                        Affected customers:
                        5 This affects my team
                        16 Start watching this issue


                            drauf Daniel Rauf
                            tmarchionni@atlassian.com Tiziana Marchionni
                            Affected customers:
                            5 Vote for this issue
                            16 Start watching this issue
