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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-71678

Trying Quick Filters on Agile Wallboard Gadget doesn't present any new data.


      Issue Summary

      Configuring an Agile Wallboard Gadget using any boards and any quick filters doesn't apply the filters to the gadget result.

      The behaviour is not reproducible on the project board.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create board;
      2. Create some quick filters;
      3. Add the Agile Wallboard Gadget on a Dashboard;
      4. Configure it with the board and the quick filter you'd like to use;
      5. Try changing the quick filter on the Agile Wallboard gadget and refresh the gadget/page;

      Expected Results

      The issues are updated on the gadget;

      Actual Results

      The issues are still the same;

      For example:
      Quick filter configuration:

      Agile Wallboard Results when selecting "Open issues" filter:

      Agile Wallboard Results when selecting "Closed Issues" quick filter:

      Even by refreshing both browser page and gadget, it didn't refresh.


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            tjoy Tilwin Joy
            vseger@atlassian.com Victor Seger (Inactive)
            63 Vote for this issue
            64 Start watching this issue
