Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-71500

Dashboard Editors permission not honored.


      Issue Summary

      User added to the. dashboard Editors list is not able to edit the dashboard.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1- Logging to Jira as administrator
      2- On the user administration create a user "user1" and two user groups : "usergrroupA" and "usergroupB"
      3- Add the "user1" to the "usergroupA" and NOT to the "usergroupB"
      4- Jira administrator should be member of both user groups : "usergroupA". And "usergroupB"
      5- As Jira administrator create a dashboard with the following Configuration

      • Viewers = "Shared with Anyone on the Web"
      • Editors = User1
        Check that the user1 is able to edit the dashboard.

      6- Edit the dashboard and add the "usergroupB" to "Editors".
      Check that the "user1" is not able to edit the dashboard even though he is directly listed in the "Editors" list
      7- Add the user group "usergroupA" to the "Editor" list .
      Check that the user1 is still not able to edit the dashboard even he is added directly to "Editors" and he is member of the group "usergroupA" ( and not member of "usergroupB")

      Expected Results

       A user in the dashboard list or in any user groups in that list should be able to edit the dashboard.

      Actual Results

      User not able to edit dashboard


      To be able to Edit a dashboard one of the following Conditions need to be met:

      • Add the user to the Editors list and no user groups are added
      • The user should be member of all user groups added to the Editors list.

        1. Dashboard-Editors1.png
          102 kB
          Aziz Ezzine
        2. Dashboard-Editors2.png
          76 kB
          Aziz Ezzine
        3. Dashboard-Editors3.png
          85 kB
          Aziz Ezzine

              Unassigned Unassigned
              aezzine Aziz Ezzine (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
