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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-71310

Logs of usage of RequestCache without context is flooding the log files


      Issue Summary

      The warning logs were added, because starting from Jira 9 it would not be possible to use RequestCache without the context - it's incorrect and slow. Context is necessary for proper creation and termination of the RequestCache. Without it, RequestCache does not behave like a cache - it will fetch data from database for every call. 

      It was straightforward task, but with unexpected results. It seems that in Jira DC incorrect usage of RequestCache is very common. So common, that it is flooding the log files of running instances & makes the testing very hard.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install Jira Software 8.10.0 or 8.11.0

      The below exception is thrown in the atlassian-jira.log file:

      2020-07-16 18:21:48,050-0300 PlatformInstrumentsLoggingService RUNNING WARN      [c.a.j.cache.request.RequestCacheImpl] From Jira 9.0 version creation/usage of RequestCacheImpl will throw the IllegalStateException.
      2020-07-16 18:21:48,050-0300 PlatformInstrumentsLoggingService RUNNING WARN      [c.a.j.cache.request.RequestCacheImpl] Incorrect usage of JIRA API. You can only create/use: RequestCacheImpl inside a context (request or Jira-Thread-Local). Check: JiraThreadLocalUtil for details.
      2020-07-16 18:21:48,050-0300 PlatformInstrumentsLoggingService RUNNING WARN      [c.a.j.cache.request.RequestCacheImpl] From Jira 9.0 version creation/usage of RequestCacheImpl will throw the IllegalStateException.
      2020-07-16 18:21:48,109-0300 JMXInstrumentsLoggingService RUNNING WARN      [c.a.j.cache.request.RequestCacheImpl] Incorrect usage of JIRA API. You can only create/use: RequestCacheImpl inside a context (request or Jira-Thread-Local). Check: JiraThreadLocalUtil for details.
      2020-07-16 18:21:48,109-0300 JMXInstrumentsLoggingService RUNNING WARN      [c.a.j.cache.request.RequestCacheImpl] From Jira 9.0 version creation/usage of RequestCacheImpl will throw the IllegalStateException.
      2020-07-16 18:21:48,110-0300 JMXInstrumentsLoggingService RUNNING WARN      [c.a.j.cache.request.RequestCacheImpl] Incorrect usage of JIRA API. You can only create/use: RequestCacheImpl inside a context (request or Jira-Thread-Local). Check: JiraThreadLocalUtil for details.


      Setting the log level of the com.atlassian.jira.cache.request.RequestCacheImpl package to ERROR per the documentation Logging and profiling

      This configuration will filter out relevant warnings as well.

      Temporary way to set the package to ERROR (this setting will go away after a Jira restart)

      • In Jira, go to ⚙ > System > Logging and profiling page
      • Scroll down to Default Loggers > Configure logging level for another package, and add com.atlassian.jira.cache.request.RequestCacheImpl package with the ERROR level

      Permanent way to set the package to ERROR (this setting will remain after a Jira restart)

      • Edit the file <JIRA_INSTALLATION>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties
      • Add the 2 following lines at the end of the file and save it:
        log4j.logger.com.atlassian.jira.cache.request.RequestCacheImpl = ERROR, filelog
        log4j.additivity.com.atlassian.jira.cache.request.RequestCacheImpl = false
      • Restart the Jira application

            5b2ccddb8927 Anna Przybycień
            5b2ccddb8927 Anna Przybycień
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