Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-69142

The "Menu Item Highlight Text Color" setting is not reflected when installing a fresh JIRA, or when clicking on the revert button



      The "Menu Item Highlight Text Color" setting is not reflected when installing a fresh Jira, or when clicking on the revert button:

      • when Jira is installed, the text color is showing as grey in the drop down menu, although it is set to white in ⚙ > System > Look and feel
      • if the color is changed to a non-white color in ⚙ > System > Look and feel and then it is set back to white by using the Revert button, the color is not changed back to white in the drop down menu

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install Jira
      2. Go to ⚙ > System > Look and feel and check the current setting: notice that it's set to white
      3. Check the text color in the Projects dropdown menu and notice that it's grey (not expected)
      4. Go back to ⚙ > System > Look and feel
      5. Change the "Menu Item Highlight Text Color" setting to purple
      6. Check the text color in the Projects dropdown menu and notice that it's purple (expected)
      7. Go back to ⚙ > System > Look and feel and click on the Revert button next to the "Menu Item Highlight Text Color" setting
      8. Check the text color in the Projects dropdown menu

      Expected Results

      The color of the text should be white.

      Actual Results

      The color of the text is still purple (not expected):


      1. Go to ⚙ > System > Look and feel
      2. Change the "Menu Item Highlight Text Color" setting to a non-white color
      3. Change the "Menu Item Highlight Text Color" setting back to white manually either by moving the cursor to the white color area instead of using the Revert button
      4. The text will show as white:

        1. Step1.png
          262 kB
        2. Step2.png
          216 kB
        3. Step7.png
          156 kB
        4. Step5.png
          105 kB
        5. Step8.png
          135 kB
        6. Step6.png
          134 kB
        7. Step4.png
          134 kB
        8. Step3.png
          104 kB

              Unassigned Unassigned
              jrey Julien Rey
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