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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-67703

JIRA Datacenter start generates large network traffic result in higher response time



      JIRA Data Center uses a caching library called EHCache, and contains an in-memory cache of certain project, user and group data. On the very first node start (if no others are running) this cache is built from querying the database. When additional nodes are started, the cache is built from querying the existing nodes in-memory cache and propagating that data into the node that is starting up. Other caches are built only locally by filling the node's own copy of the cache directly from the database.

      Additionally when JIRA Data Center restarts a node reindex thread runs which is designed to synchronise changes between the nodes - this can also contribute to the increase in network traffic.

      Expected Behaviour

      Starting up a node should not affect other nodes performance

      Actual Behaviour

      When adding node during busy hour we can notice surge in network traffic below


      Which result in increased of the overall response time of all other nodes in the cluster for 3 minutes.

      node-1 node-2 node-3


      There some improvements related to the cache replication during start-up:

      Also in recent version 7.6.4 there is a fix JRASERVER-66839 which mostly contributing to this problem.


      Avoid adding/removing nodes during peak hour


        1. image.png
          128 kB
        2. node2_slow.JPG
          23 kB
        3. node3_slow.JPG
          22 kB
        4. node4_slow.JPG
          23 kB

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              vkharisma vkharisma (Inactive)
              3 Vote for this issue
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