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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-66625

Projects may be reverted to the default issue type scheme during the change due to race condition


    • 7.02
    • 24
    • Severity 1 - Critical
    • 194
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      Atlassian Update – 1 July 2019

      Hey Jira users,

      We've tested this one locally and have found that this issue is still reproducible on Jira 7.13.4. We'll be checking on the other fix versions, and will update this status with the rest of the affected versions accordingly.

      For the time being, we will be reopening this case for further troubleshooting and development. Please let us know in the comments if you're still experiencing this issue with any of the Fix Versions (7.6.14, 8.1.2, 8.2.2) on this issue.

      Kevin Liou
      Premier Support Engineer

      Atlassian Update – 21 December 2018

      Dear Jira users,

      We’re glad to announce that this issue was addressed in the 7.11.2 release. Additionally, this issue will be addressed in our upcoming 8.0 release.

      You can find more details about our 8.0 beta release here — https://community.developer.atlassian.com/t/beta-for-jira-8-0-is-up-for-grabs/25588

      Looking forward to your feedback!

      Kind regards,
      Syed Masood
      Product Manager, Jira Server and Data Center

      Atlassian Update – 1 July 2019 Hey Jira users, We've tested this one locally and have found that this issue is still reproducible on Jira 7.13.4. We'll be checking on the other fix versions, and will update this status with the rest of the affected versions accordingly. For the time being, we will be reopening this case for further troubleshooting and development. Please let us know in the comments if you're still experiencing this issue with any of the Fix Versions (7.6.14, 8.1.2, 8.2.2) on this issue. Regards, Kevin Liou Premier Support Engineer Atlassian Update – 21 December 2018 Dear Jira users, We’re glad to announce that this issue was addressed in the 7.11.2 release. Additionally, this issue will be addressed in our upcoming 8.0 release. You can find more details about our 8.0 beta release here — https://community.developer.atlassian.com/t/beta-for-jira-8-0-is-up-for-grabs/25588 Looking forward to your feedback! Kind regards, Syed Masood Product Manager, Jira Server and Data Center


      Editing multiple different projects at the same time and assigning same IssueTypeSchema (ITS) to them, may cause data loss for other projects using same ITS. Those other projects (not the one that were changed) could be reverted to the default issue type scheme during the change due to race condition.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Generate 2000 projects.
      2. Create a new issue type scheme, call it 'ITS A'.
      3. Associate 1800 projects with the newly created issue type scheme 'ITS A'.
      4. Jot down the number of total projects associated with the default issue type scheme (it should be 200).
      5. Update two of the projects associated with the default issue type scheme before with the newly created issue type scheme 'ITS A' simultaneously via Project settings > Issue types > Actions > Use a different scheme.
        • You might need another user to do this with you at the same time.
        • Example screenshot
      6. Review the number of total projects associated with the default issue type scheme.

      Expected Results

      The number of total projects associated with the default issue type scheme is reduced by 2.

      Actual Results

      The number of total projects associated with the default issue type scheme increases by random number (more then 200).
      Enabling DEBUG logging for com.atlassian.jira.issue.context.persistence will show number of deleted rows, snippet from atlassian-jira.log file:

      2018-01-11 17:24:51,050 http-nio-8081-exec-13 DEBUG admin 1044x992x1 1mxuaim /secure/admin/SelectIssueTypeSchemeForProject.jspa [c.a.j.i.context.persistence.FieldConfigContextPersisterWorker] 1 contexts deleted for field config scheme with id '11500'
      2018-01-11 17:26:41,157 http-nio-8081-exec-13 DEBUG admin 1046x1017x1 1mxuaim /secure/admin/SelectIssueTypeSchemeForProject.jspa [c.a.j.i.context.persistence.FieldConfigContextPersisterWorker] 0 contexts deleted for field config scheme with id '11700'


      • There is a race-condition between deleting existing IssueTypeSchema for other projects and reading projects association.
        • Pseudo-code:
          • Thread1 reads valid project list, deletes it and re-creates it
            // reads valid project list
               associatedProjects = configScheme.getAssociatedProjectObjects();
            // deletes all projects with schema 
            <-- Thread2 reads the partial project list -->
            // re-creates projects 
               storeAssociatedContexts(configScheme, associatedProjects, field);
          • Thread2 reads partial project list, deletes it and re-creates partial project list
               associatedProjects = configScheme.getAssociatedProjectObjects();
      • Problem is easier to reproduce in Datacenter due to distributed scope and delay in cache propagation.


      • Since problems is a race condition, you can mitigate it by editing IssueTypeSchema for only one projects at the same time
        • In worse case scenario to prevent the schema change, you may want to block URL /secure/admin/SelectIssueTypeSchemeForProject.jspa
      Action for data recovery
      • In simple scenario you can reassign corresponding IssueTypeSchema (ITS) to affected projects
      • In case of large number projects affected, usually the list it's not that obvious. You will need JIRA DB backup (or staging copy).
        • You will need a couple of tables (configurationcontext, project, fieldconfigscheme) and run the following SQL to get the mapping list:
          select p.id as PID,p.pname as ProjectName,cc.fieldconfigscheme as ITS_ID,fcs.configname as ITS_Name from configurationcontext cc,project p,fieldconfigscheme fcs where cc.customfield = 'issuetype' and p.id=cc.project and fcs.id=cc.fieldconfigscheme;
            pid  |    projectname     | its_id |                   its_name
           10001 | Dragons            |  10101 | DRA: Simple Issue Tracking Issue Type Scheme
           10100 | PRG                |  10300 | PRG: Simple Issue Tracking Issue Type Scheme
           10300 | Agile-Project      |  10805 | AG: Scrum Issue Type Scheme

        1. Change_ITS.png
          140 kB
          Andriy Yakovlev [Atlassian]

            mrydzewski Mikolaj Rydzewski (Inactive)
            ayakovlev@atlassian.com Andriy Yakovlev [Atlassian]
            17 Vote for this issue
            51 Start watching this issue
