Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-68948

Regression: Projects may be reverted to the default issue type scheme during the change due to race condition



      When performing multiple issue type scheme changes at the same time, it can result in issue type schemes being reverted to use the Default Issue Type Scheme.

      • This occurs when making simultaneous changes with multiple projects via from the Project Admin page: Project settings > Issue types > Actions > Use a different scheme
      Steps to Reproduce
      1. Generate 2000 projects.
      2. Created a new issue type scheme, named 'test issue type scheme'.
      3. Associated 1854 projects to the newly created issue type scheme 'test issue type scheme'.
      4. Updated three projects simultaneously, originally associated with the default issue type scheme, and set it to use the new 'test issue type scheme'
        • Simultaneously via Project settings > Issue types > Actions > Use a different scheme.
        • In this case, I had 3 browser tabs open and quickly triggered the change at once using shortcuts to click "OK"
      5. Review the number of total projects associated with 'test issue type scheme'.
      Expected Behaviour

      The number of projects associated with 'test issue type scheme' should now be 1857

      Actual Behaviour

      The number of projects associated with 'test issue type scheme' is 626. The missing projects were reverted back to use the Default Issue Type Scheme

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dchan David Chan
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