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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-65708

/status returns Maintenance instead of Running when nodes are not in Maintenance mode and the Database is configured with an unsupported collation


    • 7.04
    • 55
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • 20
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      Atlassian Update – 30 May 2023

      Dear Customers,

      Thank you for taking the time to file and comment on this issue. We realize it still occurs and impacts your organization. We are now working on multiple customer requests and on new features, so we have to postpone our resolution of this issue. We’ve decided to move this issue to our long-term backlog.

      Please continue watching this ticket for future updates and changes in the timeline that impacts your work.

      Best regards
      Daria Misiowiec
      Software Engineer, Jira DC

      Atlassian Update – 30 May 2023 Dear Customers, Thank you for taking the time to file and comment on this issue. We realize it still occurs and impacts your organization. We are now working on multiple customer requests and on new features, so we have to postpone our resolution of this issue. We’ve decided to move this issue to our long-term backlog. Please continue watching this ticket for future updates and changes in the timeline that impacts your work. Best regards Daria Misiowiec Software Engineer, Jira DC


      /status request to JIRA Data Center returns "MAINTENANCE" instead of "RUNNING" when the node is actually Running and not in Maintenance mode.

       This affects JIRA Server as well.


      Note that this bug is known to usually occur when the Database is configured with an unsupported collation


      • JIRA 7.4.x (Server, Data Center)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Startup a JDC node running JIRA 7.4.x
      2. Log in the node and ensure the node is running well (to avoid JRASERVER-59503)
      3. Access the URL <node-address>/status

      Expected Results

      This will return the following JSON object


      Actual Results

      This returns


      and stays that way forever.

       Manually performing a re-index doesn't help. Once the re-index completes, the state is still Maintenance.

      Workaround and notes

      Please check Jira does not contain any startup warnings. This can be done by accessing
      <Jira BASE URL>/secure/errors.jsp

      Quite common case the issue occurs when Jira's database is using an unsupported collation. See an example below.

      If that is the case, you can follow the instructions to fix that on your instance https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/health-check-database-collation-790955315.html

      If you decide to utilize MySQL's utf8mb4_bin collation in Jira versions 7.6 or 7.13 the following automation script can be used to acknowledge the database collation warning:

      function clear_maintenance_mode_for_db_collation {
          maint_check=$( curl -s localhost:7101/status | grep -c "MAINTENANCE" | cat )
          if [  "${maint_check}" -gt 0 ]; then
              collation_check=$( curl -s http://localhost:7101/secure/errors.jsp | grep -c "unsupported collation: utf8mb4_bin" | cat )
              if [  "${collation_check}" -gt 0 ]; then
                  curl -u "${JIRA_CREDS}" http://localhost:7101/secure/johnson/events/dismiss
                  curl -u "${JIRA_CREDS}" http://localhost:7101/secure/johnson/warnings/acknowledge
                  sleep 5s

      Please note we strongly advise an upgrade to Jira 8 or above which supports this natively

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              vdung Andy Nguyen (Inactive)
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