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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-65439

The default issue type is not taken into account


    • 7.02
    • 20
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 32
    • Hide
      Atlassian Update – 29 May 2023

      Dear Customers,
      We're happy to announce that this issue is fixed in 9.10.0 release.

      Best regards
      Grzegorz Kulinski
      Jira DC developer

      Atlassian Update – 29 May 2023 Dear Customers, We're happy to announce that this issue is fixed in 9.10.0 release. Best regards Grzegorz Kulinski Jira DC developer


      The configured default issue type is never taken into account. The latest issue type used to create an issue is always set as the suggested choice even if you start a new session in a different browser or in an incognito windows.

      This is not working as documented:

      1. Associating issue types with projects:

        Set the Default Issue Type for the new scheme from the drop-down list. Please Note:

        • The 'default issue type' is the issue type displayed in the selection-box when a user creates an issue.
        • The issue types in this list depend on the issues in the Issue Types for Current Scheme list on the left.
        • The None option means that there is no default value. If this option is selected, the system will show the first Issue Type listed in the Issue Types for Current Scheme.
        • The Issue Type is remembered as long as you keep creating issues in the same project. Once you change projects or log off the system, it goes back to the default value.
      2. How to change the default issue type displayed at the Create Issue screen
        • The next time the user creates an new Issue, the last issue type used will be displayed. ----JRASERVER-30620---- - Setting Default Issue Type to "None" Ignored RESOLVED
        • Once a user has created an issue in a project in the current session, JIRA retains the issue type from the previous issue any time the user creates a new issue in the same project. This is intended to make it easier for users to quickly create issues, such as when a software developer is creating a number of stories for a sprint or a QA engineer is filing bugs.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create 2 projects (e.g. SPA and KPA) having 2 different issue type schemes associated
      2. Modify the issue type scheme of SPA to have default issue types set as Bug and move it to the top of the list
      3. Modify the issue type scheme of KPA to have default issue types set as Task and move it to the top of the list
      4. The result looks as below:
      5. Click on create... see that the default issue type is not taken into account (by default you get KPA as the project and Bug as the selected issue type, see below screenshot):
      6. Create an issue type Story in SPA
      7. Click on Create to create a new issue. Select KPA. See that Story is selected by default. Create a Story in KPA as well
      8. Log out.
      9. Open a new browser or an incognito window and log into the instance again.
      10. Click on the Create button

      Expected Results

      The default issue type for the project is selected

      Actual Results

      The issue type used in the previous session is selected (Story). Please notice that also what happened in Step #5 is not working as documented.


      This behavior reproduces consistently and has been tested on clean installations of JIRA 7.2.9 and 7.3.6.
      The only time the default issue type is taken into account is when, for example:

      1. You create an issue in Project A of type e.g. Task
      2. You create a new issue and select Project B
      3. The issue type Task does not exist in Project B and therefore the default issue type is selected instead


      There is currently no workaround for this issue.

        1. Default issue types config.png
          74 kB
          Dario B
        2. First issue ever created.png
          34 kB
          Dario B
        3. New-session-incognito-window.png
          17 kB
          Dario B

            dramotowski Daniel Ramotowski
            dbonotto Dario B
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