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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-59739

Adding A Screen In A Workflow Transition Results In Loss Of Browse Feature When Clicking Attachment


    • 7
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    • Severity 3 - Minor
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      Atlassian Update – 08 Jan 2020

      Hi everyone,

      The described problem had been reported in a few different issues. That's why I resolved this one as a duplicate, in favour of JRASERVER-46035 which has collected more interest so far. By merging the reports we will have a clearer picture of this shortcoming and its impact. It will help the development team to prioritise it against other bugs.

      I encourage everyone interested in getting this piece fixed to cast a vote for the consolidated bug, the JRASERVER-46035.

      To understand how we organise and prioritise bug fix work I encourage you to read Atlassian Server Bug Fix Policy. More importantly, if you would like to find out what the Jira team is currently focused on and has recently delivered see the following dashboards:

      Thank you,
      Pawel Drygas,
      Jira Server Bugmaster

      Atlassian Update – 08 Jan 2020 Hi everyone, The described problem had been reported in a few different issues. That's why I resolved this one as a duplicate, in favour of JRASERVER-46035 which has collected more interest so far. By merging the reports we will have a clearer picture of this shortcoming and its impact. It will help the development team to prioritise it against other bugs. I encourage everyone interested in getting this piece fixed to cast a vote for the consolidated bug, the JRASERVER-46035 . To understand how we organise and prioritise bug fix work I encourage you to read Atlassian Server Bug Fix Policy . More importantly, if you would like to find out what the Jira team is currently focused on and has recently delivered see the following dashboards: Jira Server and Data Center: Recently resolved issues Jira Server and Data Center: Current work and future plans Jira Server and Data Center: Bug Fix Board Thank you, Pawel Drygas, Jira Server Bugmaster


      When adding a screen to a transition, the option to click Browse when uploading an attachment no longer displays. The option to Browse shows up in all other cases (Edit Issue, View Issue, etc)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a screen
      2. Add the screen to a workflow transition such as Done
      3. Click Done on an issue and click on Attachment icon. The Browse option does not show

      Expected Results

      Clicking on the Attachment icon displays the option to Browse

      Actual Results

      The Browse option does not show


      Use Edit Issue or View Issue screen for browse feature

        1. Comment-Issue-works.png
          53 kB
          Javier Aguilar
        2. Done-transition.png
          61 kB
          Javier Aguilar
        3. Edit-Issue-works.png
          57 kB
          Javier Aguilar

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jaguilar Javier Aguilar (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
