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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-59131

JIRA Login Fails With the Message - User xxxx has no unique key mapping


      Steps to Reproduce (these are the steps received from customers)

      1. Upgrade to JIRA 7.0
      2. Attempt to login to JIRA

      Expected Results

      1. Login is successful

      Actual Results

      Login fails with the below exception:

      java.lang.IllegalStateException: User 'xxxx' exists but has no unique key mapping.
      at com.atlassian.jira.user.util.DefaultUserManager.getUserByName(DefaultUserManager.java:262)
      at com.atlassian.jira.security.login.JiraSeraphAuthenticator.getUser(JiraSeraphAuthenticator.java:36)
      at com.atlassian.seraph.auth.DefaultAuthenticator.login(DefaultAuthenticator.java:101)
      at com.atlassian.seraph.filter.PasswordBasedLoginFilter.runAuthentication(PasswordBasedLoginFilter.java:127)


      Refer to our JIRA Login Fails With the Message - User exists but has no unique key mapping KB for the workaround.

      Real World

      Your "workaround" does not work and the issue has been closed despite a number of customers still reporting the issue. It now seems to have worked its way into Jira 7 Software. NONE of my Crowd users have been ported over, not one, so that I now cannot access the system at all.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            7a320c0a9d1d Joeli McLauchlan
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            3 Start watching this issue
