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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-47679

User Picker Custom field HTML tags showing when creating new issues


    • 6.03
    • 4
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 2
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      Atlassian Update – 19 November 2018

      Hi everyeone

      Pleased to announce that fix to this issue has been applied and will be available in next patch release starting from 7.6.11.

      Mateusz Marzęcki
      Jira Software Team

      Atlassian Update – 19 November 2018 Hi everyeone Pleased to announce that fix to this issue has been applied and will be available in next patch release starting from 7.6.11. Cheers, Mateusz Marzęcki Jira Software Team


      Customer reported that when creating custom field (User Picker) and added html tags in description field, text link shows correctly in Custom Field screen under Administration Setting. However when creating new issues, the create issue form for User Picker field shows the HTML code not the text link.



      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Log-in in JIRA, JIRA Administration -> Issues - Under Field click Custom Field
      2. Click on Add Custom Field -> Search User Picker (Single User) and select it
      3. Enter Field name and HTML code (below) in Description field, click create and select Default Screen or all the screens available in the list then click on update.
        <P> HELLO WORLD </P>
        <a href="http://www.atlassian.com"> Atlassian Website </a>
      4. Back to Custom Field Screen, search the new custom field you created and description shows a text link ( this part is working as expected - see User Picker under Custom image).
      5. Create a new issue, look for the new custom field on the create issue form. Noticed the description field for that User Picker Type is showing HTML code instead Text link (attached snapshot).

      Expected Results

      Please see attached snapshot ( User Picker Create New Issue ). Description field for UserPicker_Test type should show as a text link not the HTML code.

      Actual Results

      Please see attached snapshot ( User Picker Create New Issue ). If you check this image, you will see SelectList field "Atlassian Website" as a text link (this should be the actual result for User Picker Field type) where UserPicker_Test is showing the HTML code.


      Add the following line to <JIRA_INSTALL>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/templates/plugins/fields/edit/edit-userpicker.vm and restart Jira:


        1. User Picker Create New Issue.png
          138 kB
          Jason Liwag
        2. User Picker under Custom.png
          180 kB
          Jason Liwag

            mmarzecki Mateusz Marzęcki
            jliwag Jason Liwag (Inactive)
            10 Vote for this issue
            21 Start watching this issue
