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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-45752

Loading search filter and doing export to CSV or HTML includes the filter's columns and not the current columns


      Issue Summary

      Loading search filter and doing export to CSV or HTML includes the filter's columns and not the current columns

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Open Issue Navigator in List View
      2. Save a filter
      3. Click on that filter from the right pane and then click on Columns
      4. At Columns, Click on Filters and select 2 or 3 columns , then click Done
      5. The issue navigator will show only the selected 3 columns
      6. Export the results to Excel ( Current fields ) and the results is expected :
      7. Now go back to Column and select My Defaults, this will list all the default columns :
      8. Export the results to Excel ( Current fields ) and the results do not show all the columns from My Defaults but shows all the columns from Filter option selected earlier :

      Expected Results

      1. The export ( current fields ) exports all the columns currently visible from the issue navigator.

      Actual Results

      1. The export ( current fields ) includes only columns that are selected from Filter ( Column button )

      Additional Notes

      1. Issue also occurs on JIRA 7


      Option 1.: Navigate to "Columns" and click "Restore Defaults".

      Option 2.: After loading the filter, copy the JQL, click the New Search (top left corner of the Issue navigator) button and paste the JQL there, perform the search and Jira will not recognize this as a previously saved filter, allowing the Export function to correctly export the visible columns.


        1. screenshot-1.png
          29 kB
          Adrian Stephen
        2. screenshot-2.png
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          Adrian Stephen
        3. screenshot-3.png
          36 kB
          Adrian Stephen
        4. screenshot-4.png
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          Adrian Stephen
        5. screenshot-5.png
          44 kB
          Adrian Stephen
        6. screenshot-6.png
          139 kB
          Adrian Stephen
        7. screenshot-7.png
          34 kB
          Adrian Stephen

              Unassigned Unassigned
              f01eb8a9a9f4 Michael Kornatzki
              123 Vote for this issue
              100 Start watching this issue
