edalgliesh, here are the changes we need to make to the JIRA licensing links. I tested this and took screenshots in 7.0-SNAPSHOT#70005-sha1:0498a39.
In all cases, links to the Versions & Licenses page should open in the same window, not a new window.
Dashboard - Guide for JIRA Administrators
1. Maintenance expired license / link text "renew your maintenance"
2. Maintenance expired license / link text "benefits"
3. Expired evaluation license / link text "purchase JIRA"
4. In general we should update the verbiage in these banners to reference the full application names, not just "JIRA".
Attached is a screenshot for a case where multiple products are licensed, which makes it clear why #4 is necessary.
Product footer
5. Expired evaluation license / link text "purchasing it"
6. We should think about the logic determining when this is shown. In the example where there's a commercial JIRA Software license and an eval JIRA Core license, do we want to put this link in the footer?
License banner - flag notification
7. Various states / link text "Show me"
- Current link: /plugins/servlet/applications/manage
- Correct link: /plugins/servlet/applications/versions-licenses
License banner - header
8. Various states for Data Center licenses / various link texts
- Current link: /plugins/servlet/applications/manage
- Correct link: /plugins/servlet/applications/versions-licenses
- It looks like there's a problem with text rendering on this banner - see attached
- Also, when a license first expires it shows a "-1 days ago" message in the banner - see attached
Dashboard - Guide for JIRA Administrators - Data Center license
9, 10. Various states for Data Center licenses
- Current verbiage: "Please inform your Atlassian license owner to renew online or by contacting sales"
- Correct verbiage: "To continue using <PRODUCT NAME>, please renew your license."
- Current link: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/renew
- Correct link: /plugins/servlet/applications/versions-licenses
- The same problem exists here as earlier mentioned in #4 - we need to use the actual application name.
- Further, there are two notifications here with very similar verbiage. (I'm assuming one is for the maintenance expiry and the other for the license expiry?) We should simplify the messaging. Open to suggestions - we really just need to provide one link to the Versions & Licenses page.
wthompson, in particular my #4 and #6 above need resolution.