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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-41543

Date-Picker inserts wrong abbreviation for March in german Locale


      Disclaimer: I'm not certain whether the problem lies in JIRA or actually in the german localization bundle.

      The Bug:
      Since the update from JIRA 6.0.3 to JIRA 6.3 one of our clients is encountering a problem with the date picker on all occurrences inserting the wrong abbreviation for the month March leading to the error message:
      "You did not enter a valid date. Please enter the date in the format "d/MMM/yy", eg. "8/Jan/15""

      Using the german loca for JIRA, the correctly formatted date for i.e. 1st of March (German: "März") would be: "1/Mär/15"
      Entering this manually is accepted by JIRA.
      However, using the JavaScript Date-Picker, it enters "1/Mrz/15" in the respective field, which is denied by JIRA with the error message mentioned above.

      The JavaScript of the Date-Picker should be corrected in order to use the appreviation "Mär" for March.
      Alternatively it could also make sense to change the abbreviation to "Mrz" in JIRA - the date-picker would then already use the correct value.

      If you require more info, feel free to let me know.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            26325d6c4916 Philipp Sendek
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