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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-39874

JIRA Mobile UI bypasses Seraph Authentication, making it unuseable with such systems


      We are using JIRA with a custom Seraph authenticator. Basicall, as described on JRA-27280, our SSO service sets a cookie in the browser session and the Seraph plugin looks for that cookie and automatically logs in the correct user in the JIRA internal user dictionary. If the user does not yet exist there, it is created with a random password (it should be unused).

      The problem is now the Mobile GUI. This one seems to not correctly pass all requests through the Seraph Authenticator:

      • If you click on log in in the mobile GUI, it shows JIRA Mobile's own username/password field, and does not redirect the user to the configured SSO (as defined in seraph-config.xml). As the internal database has a random password, you cannot log in. Also the login request is not passed to SeraphAuthenticators method that takes username/password. So you have no possibility to intercept the login or authorize the user.
      • If you sign in to the external provider before entering JIRA mobile (so the cookie is available and SeraphAuthenticator can report the user back to JIRA), the results are like that: Issues, restricted to users logged in, are now shown correctly. You can also add comments or watch them, So Seraph seems to work here, but in other parts of the GUI it still thinks that you are not logged in. E.g. on the left sidebar the links to "my issues" redirect you to the incorrect login screen. Also it shows "Not logged in" on the left sidebar.

      The only workaround at the moment is to disable JIRA mobile plugin for our installation, which is not nice for mobile users.

              cdarroch Daz
              dc54674add53 Uwe Schindler
              30 Vote for this issue
              39 Start watching this issue
