Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-34463

Can not add Link issue on JIRA on Browser.


      • Currently, I used JIRA version v6.0.3#6099-sha1:c205478
      • When I want to add Link on issue, I can not added it, because the popup Add Link is very big, the action Link is hidden under bottom of browser. So, I can not click it for submit form Link.

      Detail Step:
      + Open the JIRA site and add one issue.
      + After jira create, open this jira.
      + Click to action More on menu-bar and Click to action Link on menu-item. The popup Link display.
      + The popup is very big can not see all actions on bottom of this popup.
      + Can support resize if popup is big and alway set position of popup is center of browser.
      + For all case, the action on bottom of this popup always displayed.

      Use full screen
      Open the link dialog in a new browser tab

        1. Current-JIRA.png
          245 kB
          Vu Duy Tu
        2. full-screen.png
          112 kB
          Vu Duy Tu
        3. JIRA-bug.png
          264 kB
          Vu Duy Tu

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