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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-33741

InvalidInputException during workflow invalidates input of user picker


      The InvalidInputException is thrown by many plugins that provide
      additional validators, like for example to make a field mandatory
      during a transition or to force the user to modify a fields content.

      When the screen of such a transition has also a user picker field,
      that might be the assignee field itself, or any additional custom field
      of this type, whatever the user enters will be lost, once the plugin
      throws the exception during validation.

      For example force the user to change the Fix Version/s field.
      Assuming he only modified the Assignee, but forgot the
      version. See attached before and after screenshots.

      In that case JIRA, will interrupt the workflow transition, and the user
      picker field it's content will become invalid. Sure the user will see
      the red message below the Fix Version/s field, and corrects the
      input. But he won't see that the Assignee field contents changed
      too, into a simple text input, non validated by JIRA, and thus when
      tying again to complete the transition, the assignee input will get

              Unassigned Unassigned
              19c60376e7c0 Stephan Bielmann
              16 Vote for this issue
              18 Start watching this issue
