Resolution: Duplicate
NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
Currently, JIRA only stores attachments on the file system. This creates an issue with backup and recovery. While both can be backed up using whatever means determined by the user, the back up for the file system is only good at the point when the backup occurs. Since it is next to impossible to match the database and file system backups up, restoration can be miss matched. This is especially true when the database exists on a separate server as is the case in most larger environments. If the attachments could be stored in the database, the inconsistencies exist in the file system/database backups would not exist.
The other positive to storing the attachments in the database is the database can be restored to any given point in time. Since Jira is very dynamic and data is constantly changing and/or being added, this capability minimizes data loss.
- duplicates
JRASERVER-806 Ability to save attachments into the database
- Closed
- is related to
JRASERVER-19873 attachment directory structure has exceeded maximum file handles
- Closed
- relates to
JRACLOUD-29380 Option to store attachments in the database
- Closed
I was taken aback to find that this is still not an option in the newest JIRA 6.0 given that this is available in Confluence.