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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-25926

"jira.assignee.change.is.sent.to.both.parties" Properties doesn't take effect after modify via jira-config.properties and jpm.xml.



      OK The problem with this bug is that JIRA is working as intended.

      When JRA-6344 was implemented, we changed JIRA to always send a notification to the old assignee when the assignee changed, regardless of what Issue Event was fired as configured in the applicable Notification Scheme or Workflow.

      In addition, we added this configuration property, jira.assignee.change.is.sent.to.both.parties, which allowed users who didn't want this new behaviour to have the old behaviour instead by setting the property to false.

      That (old) behaviour is as follows: If the assignee is changed, then the old assignee will be notified of the change ONLY in response to an Issue Assigned Event. When an issue is edited (as opposed to "assigned"), and the assignee is changed, then the old assignee will NOT receive the notification.

      Note that events that are fired as a result of workflow transitions are customisable, they can be edited in post functions for workflow transitions.

      While it's perfectly reasonable to expect JIRA to not send a notification with this property set, we are still considering this as it will result in changed behaviour for existing customers who may be relying on it.

      The application properties in this case is jira.assignee.change.is.sent.to.both.parties.

      User wanted to disable this properties from sending notification out to previous assignee but the properties doesn't work when they make changes through jira-config.properties.

      To ensure it works, user have modify the default value of the application properties from True to False via jpm.xml, however it is not working.

      The documentation have stated this properties still works in latest JIRA version:Creating A Notification Scheme

      p/s: user restart JIRA instance each time after any modification happens in jira-config.properties and jpm.xml.

            hlteck Teck Hong Loong [Atlassian]
            hlteck Teck Hong Loong [Atlassian]
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