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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-22106

Sending notification to previous assignee even setting "jira.assignee.change.is.sent.to.both.parties" to false


      According to this bug report (http://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-6344), since JIRA 4 when the assignee is changed, a notification is sent to previous and current assignee.

      Also, for those people who do not like this new behavior there is a new jira-applications property to revert to the old behavior.


      The problem is that if you need to fire "Issue Assigned" event by a post-function. The notification will ignore the "jira.assignee.change.is.sent.to.both.parties" parameter, i.e, it will always send email to previous and current assignee. The expected behavior would be to send notification respecting the value passed to that parameter.

      Although, if you fire a custom event by a post-function, the notification will respect that parameter, i.e., using custom event, it'll work as expected.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            tsantos Thiago Auler dos Santos [Atlassian]
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