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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-23883

Validators used with Subtasks, when cloning the parent issues, causes inconsistencies


      Hello Guys,

      Got this one from a ticket, and it is easily reproduceable by following these steps:

      • Create a JIRA Administrator and login with this user (admin.jira)
      • Create a copy of jira workflow (jira_copy)
      • Add to Create Issue transition (on jira_copy workflow) a Permission Validator by selecting "Administer Projects" on validator screen.
      • Create a Workflow Scheme (workflow_test) and choose jira_copy workflow for Sub-task issues and jira workflow for Unassigned Types.
      • Create a new Project (TEST) and associate workflow_test to the project.
      • Create a new user (devel.jira) and add it as member of jira-users and jira-developers groups. The user admin.jira should be member of jira-users, jira-developers and jira-administrators.
      • Create a new issue (TEST-1)
      • Create a Sub-task for this issue (TEST-2)
      • Logout and login again as devel.jira
      • Go to issue TEST-1 and Clone the issue checking "Clone Sub Tasks". The user devel.jira has the permission to clone this issue but not to pass the validator on Create Sub-task transition (it is not an administrator).
      • As result you can find the issue TEST-3 where the Sub-task is the issue itself (TEST-3).

      The result, where the subtask is the parent issue itself, cannot be fixed when trying to delete any of these 2 tasks. When trying, this message appears:

      The JIRA server was contacted but has returned an error response. We are unsure of the result of this operation.
      Close this dialog and press refresh in your browser

      And none of the issues are deleted.

      The only workaround to fix this problem is direct database change:

          * delete the issue on db using DELETE FROM JIRAISSUE WHERE PKEY=<issuekey>
          * restart JIRA and run the Integrity Checker (fix the link associations)
          * reindex JIRA issues.

      But I cannot understand why this problem is created in the first place. I think it has something to do with the create issue validator, when it is applied to sub-tasks.


      Thiago Prisco
      Atlassian Support

            edalgliesh Eric Dalgliesh
            tfprisco Thiago Fagundes Prisco [Atlassian]
            9 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
