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      Atlassian Update – 6 March 2018

      Hi everyone,

      Thanks for your interest in this issue.
      This request is considered a potential addition to our longer-term roadmap.

      We'll typically review this request in about 12 months time, at which point we’ll consider whether we need to alter its status.

      For the nearest future we've decided to prioritize other areas of the Jira Server roadmap, including:

      • Performance and stability improvements
      • Archiving projects for improved performance
      • Optimising the use of custom fields
      • Improving performance of boards
      • Improving Jira notifications
      • Allowing users to edit shared filters and dashboards
      • Mobile app for Jira Server

      There are commercial third party apps available, that may be useful in your context:

      You can learn more about our approach to highly voted server suggestions here.

      To learn more on how your suggestions are reviewed, see our updated workflow for server feature suggestions.

      Kind regards,
      Jira Server Product Management

      Atlassian Update – 6 March 2018 Hi everyone, Thanks for your interest in this issue. This request is considered a potential addition to our longer-term roadmap. We'll typically review this request in about 12 months time, at which point we’ll consider whether we need to alter its status. For the nearest future we've decided to prioritize other areas of the Jira Server roadmap, including: Performance and stability improvements Archiving projects for improved performance Optimising the use of custom fields Improving performance of boards Improving Jira notifications Allowing users to edit shared filters and dashboards Mobile app for Jira Server There are commercial third party apps available, that may be useful in your context: Better Excel Plugin for Jira Active User Filter Admin Tools for Jira JExcel LITE - The Power of Excel in Jira You can learn more about our approach to highly voted server suggestions here . To learn more on how your suggestions are reviewed, see our updated workflow for server feature suggestions . Kind regards, Jira Server Product Management
    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      From the Administration User Browser screen, have an "Export List" button/link that exports all the users that match the current filter into a .CSV or Excel file. The columns exported would match the columns currently displayed: Username, Email, Full Name, Login Details, Groups. No formatting needed, just dump the text as displayed in each table cell into a single field (including carriage returns for multi line entries like Login Details).

      This would be much simpler than having to run queries to do this as described at http://confluence.atlassian.com/x/FYJyCw

      The end goal is a simple way to monitor who is logging in most often (need to contact the top 50 users), who has had many recent login failures, who belongs to one group but not another, etc.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              2954a19bb3fc Tim Oey
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