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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-18080

Documentation for re-index admin messages

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      Michael to provide first draft of explanatory documentation on this CAC page: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Re-Indexing+after+Major+Configuration+Changes

      Rosie to review the text to be displayed immediately to the administrator, which is currently this:

      USERFULLNAME made configuration changes in section 'SECTION' at TIME. It is recommended that you perform a re-index. For more information follow this link. (links to above CAC page)

      You may wish to complete all your configuration changes before performing a re-index. To perform a re-index now, please visit the Indexing section.

              rosie@atlassian.com Rosie Jameson [Atlassian] (Inactive)
              mtokar Michael Tokar
              mandreacchio Michael Andreacchio
