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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-84095

In workflow transition screen, Assignee user picker does not list any user after focusing other fields


      Issue Summary

      Configure workflow transition screen which having Assignee and Due date field.
      While workflow transition, if user firstly set the value for the Due date field, Assignee field user picker does not list any users.
      If user firstly select the assignee field, it shows user list properly.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Configure workflow transition screen which has assignee and due date fields
      2. Popup that workflow transition screen
      3. Select due date first
      4. Try to set assignee field, the assignee field does not list any user

      Expected Results

      Assignee field should show users always if the user have browse user and groups permission

      Actual Results

      Assignee field does not list any user afer focusing other field in workflow transition screen


      Select Assignee field at first.

        1. AtlassianSupport.png
          261 kB
          R. Fujimura

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            b6d0bc030f4a R. Fujimura
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