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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-83700

Empty fields disappear from the issue view when the issue is in a status that prevents editing


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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      When the fields are added to both the View screen and Edit screen, they will show up in the issue view even if they are empty but editable as expected. But if the issue is moved to a status that prevents editing with the workflow property jira.issue.editable set as false (or restricting edit to specific entities), these empty fields disappear from the issue view.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      • Make sure the fields are present in both the View Issue Screen and Edit Issue Screen 
      • Create an issue with these fields as empty and you will be able to see and edit these fields
      • Transtion the issue to a status workflow property jira.issue.editable set as false
      • You can see that these empty fields have now disappeared from the issue view

      NOTE: In the Issue Layout Fields are not added to the "Hide fields When Empty" section.


      When a Field is present in both the View Screen and the Edit Screen, the fields with null values should appear in the issue view even if it's not editable, similar to the issue view when it's editable.


      1. Adding a default value (like 'NA' or 'Null') to the field will make it appear when the issue is in a non-editable status.
      2. Or alternatively changing the workflow properties as explained in the KB Some fields are missing on the issue view for a few tickets even with correct field and screen configuration can also help to make these fields appear on these issues.

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