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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-83433

Parent field inconsistency in create screen and transition screen



      We are seeing some inconsistency in the way the parent issues are shown.
      In create/edit screen, the parent field shows the issue number and then the summary, while in a transition screen, it shows the summary and then the issue number.
      This is creating issues when customer is creating automation scripts.


      Jira Software

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Create an issue in the project. try to add a parent through the parent field
      • The parent field shows the issue number and then the summary
      • Next create a transition and add a screen in a workflow from one status to another.
      • Publish the workflow.
      • Try to move an issue for this transition on the board.
      • On the screen, try filling up the parent field.
      • it shows the summary and then the issue number.

      Expected Results

      In both screens it should be the same order -> the issue number and then the summary

      Actual Results

      The order is different in different screens


      (Add a workaround, if available)


              Unassigned Unassigned
              d31ee7a4b64e Aruna Johny (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
