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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-83065

Assignee Selection Defaults to First Option on Transition Screen via Touchscreen Interface


      Issue Summary

      When using a touchscreen interface, upon the first interaction with the Assignee field on a Transition Screen, the selection appears to default to the first option in the dropdown list (typically the logged-in user performing the action or the 'unassigned' option if the currently logged-in user does not have assignable permission). This occurs regardless of the user's actual selection. The intended assignee can only be successfully selected upon a second interaction with the Assignee field.

      This bug has been replicated using a Touchscreen Display and also on a mobile device.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Open your preferred browser on a touchscreen device.
      2. Log into your Jira account and navigate to a JSW project.
      3. The project should have a transition screen for any transition with the Assignee Field on the screen.
      4. Transition the Issue so that the Transition Screen using the Old Issue View is displayed.
      5. Tap on the 'Assignee' field to open the dropdown list of users.
      6. On the dropdown list, try to select a user other than the currently logged-in user.

      Expected Results

      The user should be able to select the intended assignee from the dropdown list upon the first interaction with the Assignee field.

      Actual Results

      Upon the first interaction with the Assignee field, the selection defaults to the first option in the dropdown list. The intended assignee can only be selected upon a second interaction with the Assignee field.


      Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            701d8e7c44be Cassio Castilho
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
