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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-82229

Unable to search for issue using words separated by _ (underscore) or - (dash/hyphen) in a text field


      Issue Summary

      Unable to search for issues using words separated by _ (underscore) or - (dash/hyphen) in a text field 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an issue with the summary - ABC_PQR_XYZ or ABC-PQR-XYZ
      2. Search for issues using the JQL 
        summary ~ 'PQR'

      Expected Results

      The issue created in Step 1 should be listed.

      Actual Results

      The issue may or may not be listed.


      Try being more specific in the search using more words. For example, try searching for summary ~ 'ABC_PQR or summary ~ 'ABC_PQR_XYZ'

            Unassigned Unassigned
            28e9293e2864 Utkarsh Singh
            10 Vote for this issue
            16 Start watching this issue
